Tuesday, June 12, 2007

the future

looks like i'm a bro now!

if you read the ho blog, my contribution was letting everyone know i play video games and watch tv. i am getting good at guitar hero again. guitar hero ii sucks, except for playing skynyrd at stonehenge.

my brother (bros rule) just graduated eighth grade, so different groups of adolescent males have been eating pizza in my house all week. one day, my friend steve and i were killing time in the basement, and four young boys came downstairs to hit the ps2. one of the boys was adopted from the ukraine by a very wealthy and older couple. he consistently says things like, "did you know the man with the most cars in the world has 870 cars? ...i know him," or, "did you know the third most expensive house in california was down the street from mine?" i am sure he is lying. anyway, he took an extreme interest in 20 yr old, but seemingly wise, steve--i suppose because steve told them he's got a summer neuroscience research thing going on. the kid was just firing questions at him. off the top of my head, he asked him about the future of cryogenics, transportation possibly being independent of humans in fifty years, F1 racing in germany, and the role the brain plays in determining the weight of objects. the questions were in earnest, and so were steve's replies. at one point, the inquisitive young thing asked steve how he pictured the future, and steve replied, "good." this was satisfactory. kids are so funny sometimes, but other times they are not.


  1. leave one of the blogs. you can't be a bro and a ho. i'd better not be alone in thinking this.

  2. I completely agree, iron giant. Lindsey and Anne, sometimes you've got to lay the cards on the table, and that time is now.
