Thursday, December 06, 2007

La Ruta

Half of our nights here begin at Cafteria Castillo, this cheap bar around the corner from our university with 3-for-1's of Cruzcampo. The same tall blonde woman is at the bar every night of the week and runs the operation almost singlehandedly. She's friendly but you know she's always working hard as hell; sometimes she'll wear the same T-shirt a couple days in a row. Lately the urinal in the men's bathroom has taken to overflowing when you flush it, and now everytime you walk into the bathroom you're treading on piss. As far as I know the toilet still works fine.

Castillo closes at 1, and once you're there you're somehow always in there till close, and by that time you've probably had at least three rounds of 3-for-1's, and maybe a Heineken or two once they run out of Cruzcampo. Six people at a table and you can't even put your hands out there's so many empty bottles. Everyone's buzzing heavy and the night's underway.

Phenomenon is next. Tiny bar, same kind of crowd, only no tables so it's just a big mingling. I know a group of five or so guys there that are the closest thing I have to a group of Spanish friends. A couple of them run an MP3 blog over at They like Black Rebel Motorcycle Club a lot, and I try to talk to them about shoegaze in Spanish but it's hard. The easiest thing to talk about is girls, soccer and beer.

Back to Phenomenon. Usually when I go to Phenomenon I'm there with my friend Sean, who is normally a laid back dude but once drunk lives the singular goal of making out that night. He gets beer googles. If you meet a Spanish girl, barring exceptional circumstances (so exceptional I can't even hypothesize them), the farthest you're going to get that night (or ever) is making out. The kids, especially the girls, live with their parents until they marry, meaning that every student you meet is living in the same house as their parents, and nobody brings anyone home. This possibly also accounts for why the Spanish are the worst kissers (best kissers, far and away, the Swedes...) Sean has become something of a legend at Phenomenon, has had flings with at least five of the regulars there. He's the mujerriego. Sometimes he sees this girl he dated for a while and freaks out because he feels like he can't work his game. One night he shaved down to a mohawk which the girls here alternately find irrestible and terrible. At the very least it makes him an intriguing character There are always a ton of girls there and being American makes it easy to flirt. When you consider how inane the conversations objectively are it all comes down to reading body language, so you just find a girl who has been shooting looks in your direction and go for it. The ones with short hair and bangs are always the best looking, and if they shoot you looks you feel privileged. If you're chasing a girl you just keep following La Ruta and eventually something will happen. You'll take their phone number at the end of the night but probably never call them.

If we're at Pheonemon, we're always going to end up at Aguacates, the afterhours bar. Aguacates is one-third the Phenomenon crowd and the rest are just people from all the other bars in the area. By this point I am buzzing at my most heavy and inevitably I end up talking to people here who I can never remember, but always greet me when i come back. They always remember my name and I feel bad because I don't remember ever talking again. In Aguacates I usually just hang out with that crowd of Spanish dudes, unless I'm chasing a girl. There is this one group of super cute girls there who are friends with Javi but I think are 17. One of Javi's friends tells me not to worry about it, just don't ask. Anyway, I think a few of them are 1 They stand around in a circle and sing all the songs playing over the speakers, "Highway to Hell," "Stand by Me," etc. The best part is when they rock out airguitar style during a riff. They love shit that you would probably find abhorrent, like the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Last night I was chasing a short haired girl who I didn't know was friends with this group of friends. There's nothing sexual about the way these girls dance, these places are like middle school dances where the girls and guys dance separately. I dance in their circles and talk to them and hands in the dark it through the free shots of tequilla they give out towards the end of the night and this is when I feel the greatest cultural understanding of Spain. I never caught her name but I'll probably see her this weekend, since I promised Zome a mix CD on Saturday.

When Aguacates closes they give out free passes for this disco called Benevente. Benevente's in Plaza Canovas, a 20 minute walk from Aguacates, but closer to my apartment, so I do it often enough even if it's just to save money on the eventual cab ride home. Imagine the worst music played on American radio and you can get a picture of Benevente. Shitty reggaeton, some Jennifer Lopez songs, etc. Nobody dancing at Benevente is worth talking to since they're all just dancing that antisexual Spanish style, and the only guys who make moves on girls on the dancefloor there are sketchy Eurotrash looking dudes who are probably in their late 20's. If you wanna continue flirting you have to go to the back and work your game. It's always pointless because nothing is ever going to happen, but you're having a good time anyway because it's all a game and you're drunk anyway so who cares. Sometimes you have to pretend to be a boyfriend of someone to get a creep away from them and they shoot you the death eyes that only Europeans are capable of. The Italians do it hardest of anyone.

Eventually everyone gets sick of Benevente around 6 and we head home. I always sleep until 2, when dinner is promptly on the table. If I'm not too hungover I can get a few words out with my mother before I leave the house for the day.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

adults are like us sometimes!

My stepmom, who I'm really close with, called me last night at midnight and we talked for 2 and a half hours. She's on new arthritis medication and she apparently had a couple drinks during our conversation and she accidentally got trrrrashed. I got a great email from her this morning:

Hi Masha!

I want to apologize to you for my condition last night
on the phone. I had a few drinks during our
conversation and apparently the mixture with the meds
I'm taking for my arthritis was potent!! I didn't
realize how altered I was until I woke this morning
with a raging hangover. I know it was very late when
we finally said goodnight and must admit that I don't
remember a lot of what we talked about -- hope I
wasn't too naughty. I need to learn not to mix
alcohol with meds.

Sorry was great to talk to you. I love you
very much and am very proud of everything you're

Talk soon - while sober!!


She's the best.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Fuck the MPAA

I dunno if any of you guys have seen This Film is Not Yet Rated, but it's pretty sweet. I started it, not planning to finish it at two in the morning, and ended up watching the whole thing. It's not revelatory, and it doesn't make me want to grab a sign, but watching a solid filmmaker blow a raspberry at a scary-oppressive/self-important system is pretty entertaining. The ending is great. Don't skip to the ending, though, the other parts are good, too. The whole movie can be streamed here, fuh free.

Things are pretty dull around here. On days where I don't work, I feel like punching someone in the face. Good thing I found a job. My new hobby is downloading so much music that I run out of hard drive space, and then culling my hard-drive. I'm really stuck on this song, right now. Check it out.

Cass McCombs - That's That

A quick note to my supporters and fellow gamers, I reached level 22 on team slayer in Halo 3 last night. I hung out there for five or six games, and then hit a spot of bad luck and lost a level. I'm still optimistic, though. I plan on making a run at 25 tonight. Gotta strike while the iron's hot; that's what Dan Buckleitner always says.

I'm going to the Colorado Carleton Club Christmas party on Thursday. It's at a huge house in an incredible neighborhood in Denver, where I will, no doubt, drink expensive wine and talk to rich/successful people. Somehow, I still can't figure out why I'm going. Next week I get to go to the Worlverine Farm Press Christmas party. I'm interning there, and I don't know the editor I'm working with that well, so I feel much cooler for getting the invite. It was most likely obligatory. Regardless, the party's at the New Belgium Brewery, which is a plus.

Thass all I got. Dan, yes, I will pay you big bux if you are right, if by big bux you mean these "decoratif objects": You could decorat your new Manhattan suite with them. Hooray Google Image Search.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Will somebody give me mega bux if this is all correct?

Iowa Caucuses:

Republican Party:
1. Mike Huckabee
2. Mitt Romney
3. Rudy Guliani

4. Fred Thompson
5. John McCain
6. Ron Paul
7. Tom Tancredo
8. Duncan Hunter
9. Alan Keyes?

The Aftermath

Huckabee carries momentum in New Hampshire, while Romney is dealt a decent-sized blow by a narrow loss, since he had banked on winning the nomination by winning Iowa and New Hampshire back-to-back. Romney pours everything he has into New Hampshire in hopes of stopping the Huckabee train's momentum, while McCain does the same in hopes of reviving his candidacy in the same place where he did so in 2000. Romney succeeds, eeking out a victory over Huckabee, who New Hampshire financial conservatives are less enamored of than Iowa's evangelicals, while McCain's candidacy is shot dead by a third or fourth place finish, since everyone who would have voted McCain has voted in the Democratic primary for Obama or in the Republican primary for Ron Paul. Rudy Guliani's failure to win Iowa and New Hampshire, his lack of appeal to the Southern conservatives slated to vote next in South Carolina, and the litany of scandals that keep dogging him make his candidacy increasingly unviable with Super Tuesday around the corner. So: Romney's hatchet men work their game in South Carolina a few weeks later to secure him another first place finish over Huckabee in a dirty, dirty competition (think Bush-McCain circa 2000) and by the time Super Tuesday rolls around the party has consolidated around Romney, who they decide is the most viable national candidate of the bunch.

Democratic Party:

1. Barack Obama
2. Joe Biden
3. Hillary Clinton

4. John Edwards
5. Bill Richardson
6. Chris Dodd
7. Dennis Kucinich
8. Mike Gravel

The Aftermath

Joe Biden is the surprise star to rise out of Iowa, and suddenly the dynamics of the race begin to shift. Biden has a motor mouth, but he also comes across as more likeable than Hillary, and actually has the decades of foreign policy that Hillary claims to have. Edwards' candidacy is obviously finished. Clinton's candidacy is in trouble going into New Hampshire, where Obama suddenly shoots into the lead in the polls with Biden gaining fast. New Hampshire is basically a three way matchup beween Obama, Biden and Hillary, and Obama wins in New Hampshire thanks to the support of plenty of disgruntled independents who like his soft-spoken and bipartisan ways. Clinton still has the name recognition and money to compete into Super Tuesday, although her star is slowly disentegrating with the support she once had falling into the Biden camp. Super Tuesday is touch and contested, but Obama beats out Biden to become the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Half of this I'm sure of, half I'm making up as I go along. But I do really think it will Obama-Romney or Obama-Huckabee.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Young money, cash money, we the champions

i would post a picture but it's gross

I don't really get hurt that much. I'm never sick, the flu this past spring was the first time I'd been sick in 3 years. I have never broken a bone. I got 2 stitches in kindergarten and that is the extent of my hospital time.

But here, I can't seem to stop injuring myself. I've been limping around the centro for the past few days.

Y'see, Nick's brother Carlos is visiting from Mexico and brought a good deal of tequila (good tequila). We sat in the courtyard shooting the shit, taking shots, then left for the bar at nearly 1 am. The bar wasn't interesting, blah blah blah, so we decided to go get HOT DOGS!

Nicholas is insane when he is drunk. Well, he's insane all the time, but mostly when drunk. Last time he was shwasted he flailed on the ground laughing maniacally and it took nearly an hour to get him up 2 flights of stairs and into bed. This time he just took off down the street.

He just sprinted down the sidewalk, running into the street into oncoming traffic, giving no thought to anyone around him. Well, except for the guy he kissed on the cheek as he ran by. I took off after him, and even though I am not very athletic, I can still run faster than Nick. I was doing a good job slowing him down, holding him back, when finally, the inevitable happened: he tripped and brought me down with him.

We lay on the pavement for a minute. The cops drove up and asked if everything was okay, and Kirsten shooed them away.

I ripped through my favorite jeans and have a cut even nastier than my ankle cut on my knee. It's pretty badly bruised and is making walking difficult. But poor Nicholas -- he could not move his legs. We tossed him into a cab and now he is on crutches!! I've advised him against going to a doctor because of my past experience, so he went straight to the hospital and should be okay. I'm just working hard on not letting this baby get infected.. I don't need anymore x-rays in Italy!