Wayne Coyne's Helpful Hints
For all you kool kids going to Pitchfork, here's Wayne Coyne giving you advice on how to have an enjoyable experience at a multi-day music festival.
You don't realize how much I'm beating myself up wishing I had gone to Chicago this weekend. OH WELL!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
This marks the first time in the history of the brog that any significant news has been broken.
Today, my boss offered me a job to stay on the campaign until the
But lord knows I am conflicted. For every minute that I spend fantasizing about Barack Obama being president, I spend another daydreaming about 807 College next year. I am excited about the Senator’s health care plan. But I am also very excited about the Stan Beverage Show.
After a careful five minutes of deliberation, I made a decision- I would do it.
I need someone to sublet and hopefully I can find that person.
I may not be coming back in the fall. I will be back for winter.
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7/12/2007 12:32:00 pm
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
A little something to PUMP YOU UP
I found this Grizzly Bear interview/performance on the NPR website today. "On a Neck, On a Spit" sounds awesome. Very awesome. Look out Chi-town.
Also, can Anne and I get on this "Blue Line to California" at Union Station, where we will be dropped off?
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Tom "Tire Iron" Fry
7/11/2007 11:35:00 am
1 Bromments
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
ok so i don't post here b;ut i'm posting now in response to the few posts i read
1. tom, i know granger titcomb. his dad works with my dad. that makes us like step brothers
2. colin, i like your joke. however, i find that most of hte sun dress wearing girls with large sunglasses often end up hotter than i expected but also bitchier thani expected. lots of stupid people come into aeropostale. and also lots of people who speak little english. not lots of hot people...they all go to teavanna, the store i WANT to work at but requires 3 montsh of training (phhh, i probably know more about tea than half the employees, i went to CHINA)
3. i like family guy
4. pitchfork sucks
5. greg tom and i recorded a rap song freshman year adn talked about redoing it this year and didn't and now i'm listening to some old beats i have and we will make a real rap album this year. so everyone needs to start thinking of a name for our rap group (please not team hipster) and a rap name for themselves
6. iphone=oh my god
7. alex you should have gone to see prince you pussy
hearts, stars and rainbows
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Aaron "Half Elf, Half Iron" Kaufman
7/10/2007 09:27:00 pm
Because videos aren't lame when I post them...
Hey all.
Sorry to be pulling a total James on you guys, but I found some videos that I wanted to share.
1. Family Guy makes fun of the American version of The Office
(This is for you Sciuto, Greg, Fry, others)
2. A commercial I like.
This isn't the commercial I initially set out to find, but this one is good too. I don't care if you've seen it, see it again.
Yeah. Those are pretty worthless, but I'm pretty bored.
Who is pumped about the super Chicago weekend this weekend?
Quick question: how do I get from O'Hare to wherever I'm staying? Follow up question, where am I staying? Is there a Metro near there?
PS: Yesterday while I was at the gym I saw this guy who, after finishing his reps on the machines, would take a quick look around before adding 10 to 20 pounds to the amount he was lifting before he got up and moved on. At first I thought he just wanted to lift more weight, but he didn't return to the machine. My only guess as to why he was doing this was that he wanted to impress whoever came after him by showing off how much it looked like he had been lifting. What a stellar dude.
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Colin the Iron Giant
7/10/2007 05:09:00 pm