Pieh's Doppelgänger Online
Sorry for two posts in a row, but I was really weirded out by this.
Am I crazy, or does this guy look exactly like Pieh?
Sorry for two posts in a row, but I was really weirded out by this.
Am I crazy, or does this guy look exactly like Pieh?
Brogged by Colin the Iron Giant at 6/21/2008 01:53:00 pm 4 Bromments
A.SCIUTO has landed. He is in the SHOWER right now. Reasons why you should be jealous:
- he went food shopping while I was at work today and then made curry noodles with chicken and red peppers for us for dinner
- we watch an episode of dexter together each night before we go to sleep
- he sleeps on a mattress in my room
- he is wearing an ALL-STARS T-SHIRT RIGHT NOW
- he is ALEX SCIUTO.
we love and miss you all.
Brogged by masha at 6/19/2008 01:06:00 pm 0 Bromments
West Coast, baby! It's fucking freezing. No, really. Today was nice, I put on shorts but that was seriously pushing it. I bought long underwear today. LONG UNDERWEAR. It's summer, wtf?
But it's really quite lovely. Last night the ladies and I went on a loong walk, across the bridge, down the bayfront where there are MANY orca murals, back across and 1.5 miles to the jetty and the beach to watch the moonrise. Pretty nice ladies all around. YOU might even like a couple of em. Can you believe it?
Brogged by Hannah at 6/18/2008 07:25:00 pm 1 Bromments
...because I asked her to... because I thought it was really cute.
BROLERT: This is the least bro-esque post in a while, maybe ever, so, heads up. Don't keep reading if you think the brog has balls.
For some reason I feel like this post is just for Anne and Erika for their love of cute animals and babies, respectively.
Last comment: I would've emailed this to the Cute Animals list... if it existed... which it should.
Instructions for properly hugging a baby.
1. First, spy a baby:
2. Second, be sure that the object you spied was indeed a baby by employing classic sniffing techniques.
If you smell baby powder and the wonderful aroma of wet diapers this is indeed a baby.
3. Next you will need to flatten the baby before actually beginning the hugging process.
**Note: The added slobber should help in future steps by making the "paw slide" easier.
4. The "paw slide"
Simply slide paws around baby and prepare for possible close-up.
5. Finally, if a camera is present, you will need to execute the difficult and patented "hug, smile, and lean" so as to achieve the best photo quality.
Brogged by Colin the Iron Giant at 6/17/2008 08:16:00 pm 3 Bromments
Has anyone ever seen the MTV show "America's Best Dance Crew"? It shouldn't surprise you that I'm no dance fanatic. But lately, whenever I'm channel-surfing and I flip to this show, I'll always take a moment to check it out.
Brogged by Dan at 6/15/2008 09:05:00 pm 2 Bromments