Friday, June 29, 2007

The best name in the class of '11, without a doubt:

Granger Titcomb.

I defy you all to find a better one.


  1. I don't know if they are related (most likely they are - it's a huge family), but the Titcomb family attended my high school. Madeleine, Callie, Dan. And most of their cousins. Ha. Tit. Comb.

  2. (I'm sorry, I'm bored at work).
    I like "Samir S. Bhala". Because his username will be Sounds like ballaz.

    Tadayoshi Littleton is a pretty great name too.

    And Porgle Shlorpstein is the most ridiculous name I have ever heard. It can't be real. But I think it is.

  3. max silver- so close to max steel, so close.
    biz silverstein
    eli g- almost ali g
    Stephanie brogdon- definite bro potential

  4. That's awesome. These are all great. I want to throw these kids in a cage and have them fight each other.

  5. Michael Bonin.
    what a stud
