hey i lived
i made it to puno. sometimes i can´t feel my fingers because of the altitude, but other than that, shit´s hilarious. except for my roommate who has only taken herself off oxygen to puke... what a baby.
i waited in the cusco terminal for 3 or 4 hours for my bus. i had a lot of conversations with peruvians, most of them asking why i would ever leave cusco the night before the sun festival, the best day of the year. i said i was busy in puno today. i think my favorite line´(in english) was, ´hey, add me to the msn hotmail, and i will teach you lessons in spanish, german, japanese, french, and italian. no? what is your sign? i am the balance. i am the libra.´
oh yeah, speaking of the sun festival in cusco, guess who was there! cameron diaz. i´m reading the news, and i guess she is an idiot (though there are a lot of articles about her ´diazzling smile´ and cuban heritage). anyway, she wore a mao ´serve the people´bag in the streets, and no one here is much a fan of the shining path guerillas. busted!