Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Fuck the MPAA

I dunno if any of you guys have seen This Film is Not Yet Rated, but it's pretty sweet. I started it, not planning to finish it at two in the morning, and ended up watching the whole thing. It's not revelatory, and it doesn't make me want to grab a sign, but watching a solid filmmaker blow a raspberry at a scary-oppressive/self-important system is pretty entertaining. The ending is great. Don't skip to the ending, though, the other parts are good, too. The whole movie can be streamed here, fuh free.

Things are pretty dull around here. On days where I don't work, I feel like punching someone in the face. Good thing I found a job. My new hobby is downloading so much music that I run out of hard drive space, and then culling my hard-drive. I'm really stuck on this song, right now. Check it out.

Cass McCombs - That's That

A quick note to my supporters and fellow gamers, I reached level 22 on team slayer in Halo 3 last night. I hung out there for five or six games, and then hit a spot of bad luck and lost a level. I'm still optimistic, though. I plan on making a run at 25 tonight. Gotta strike while the iron's hot; that's what Dan Buckleitner always says.

I'm going to the Colorado Carleton Club Christmas party on Thursday. It's at a huge house in an incredible neighborhood in Denver, where I will, no doubt, drink expensive wine and talk to rich/successful people. Somehow, I still can't figure out why I'm going. Next week I get to go to the Worlverine Farm Press Christmas party. I'm interning there, and I don't know the editor I'm working with that well, so I feel much cooler for getting the invite. It was most likely obligatory. Regardless, the party's at the New Belgium Brewery, which is a plus.

Thass all I got. Dan, yes, I will pay you big bux if you are right, if by big bux you mean these "decoratif objects": You could decorat your new Manhattan suite with them. Hooray Google Image Search.


  1. i thought that movie was pretty sweet. i watched it with my dad.

    there's this one part in it where john waters is like "but seriously parents, your kids grew up with the internet. they've seen nastier porn than you could ever imagine," and my dad turned to me and was like...

    "colin..." my heart skipped a beat, "john waters looks pretty weird, huh?"


  2. that's so many christmas parties.

  3. that said, no one seems to be doing anything here except going to/planning the damn things.
