Thursday, June 21, 2007


It looks like a storm is rolling in. We had some bad weather last night. Incredible. Around 1 am, the sky just lit up with lightning. I mean ever second there was a flash. The thunder wasn't particularly loud, but after the first strike, there were no more booms, just a constant pervading rumble. The rain wasn't violent or windy, it just fell constantly.

Michael Chabon's new book is bomb-ass. He's got a way with words and the narrator's voice is really fun to experience. My mom warns that it lags towards the end. "I skimmed it a little at the end," she says.


  1. That thunder was incredible. Also, on my way to Jonah's apartment, I saw one of the coolest clouds ever. It was a huge anvil cloud, and lightning was flashing up in the top that wasn't popping out at the bottom. It was twilight, and this cloud was the only thing high up enough in the sky to get direct sunlight. The top was all pink and dark purple. Badass.

  2. my mom and i were in brighton beach during a massive storm, and saw lightning over the water, illuminating everything. it was cool.

    also, you boys have no color coordination skill (your blog is currently nasty maroon and lavender)
