Thursday, December 13, 2007

Fan Video

Wow, the things you can find on the internet when you're bored.

And it already has 65 views! Practically a viral video.

Geez. Bros, we need some real posts goin' on. How about some life updates?

I'm fine.



  1. "real posts" sounds degrading to those who have posted... that wasn't my intention. i love ya'll's posts. i mean... like... alex, tom, where ya been? how's life?

  2. it is a real fan video. the guy who made it emailed me about it.

    we haven't heard from the guy who wanted to make a WoW movie with our music, but jonah thinks he might be a three-time felon, sooooo...

  3. three time felon? that's a story i need in full...

  4. Well, "three-time felon" might not be the right term. I Googled his name, and there were only nine results, comprising what I've gathered to be three distinct people.

    One is a 42-year-old man who is sixteen years through a thirty-year prison sentence. I don't know what the charge is, but presumably it's a big deal.

    Another is 27 years old, and pleaded guilty in February to 37 counts of sex abuse. (In a row?!)

    The third, who I can only hope is our guy, is a 24-year-old who called in a fake bomb threat to a California supermarket in January, and is described by an ex-fiancée as having "many problems."

    Either way, the future of a cappella fan videos is in good hands, right?
