Thursday, July 17, 2008


Who are these two new "Small Pictures of Cute Celebrities" additions? Because I may not know my pop culture and thus can't comment on their celeb status, I do know they bring the average hotness of the list down pretty far. YOU'VE GOT TO BE CUTE TO BE ON MY SIDEBAR.

Also, while I really like the new layout, my one critique, and I only say this because maybe you can fix it Colin, is that it's hard to know when one post ends and another begins.


  1. and i'll work on the format. i kind of like that they run into each other a little... i'm not sure if there's an option to break up the posts more than changing the style of the post heading.

  2. thank goodness we have tom fry's disproportionately good looks to anchor the overall hotness average of the brog.

  3. i added two more pictures of olga kurylenko. she is a super hottie.

  4. Seriously though, that sidebar, Tom Fry and Paul Rudd excepted, has really really hot girls. Not just any Bond girl can do!

    And of the two pictures you added. You know which one is hot and which one is just an extra.

  5. bromments! Also, who is reading this in all those countries?

  6. whoever came to the bro from mexico, they apparently came here via a search of greg's blogger profile. GREG, SOMEONE IN MEXICO KNOWS.

  7. the one on top looks like a mutant.

  8. I'll say that the first of the two girls is kind of weird looking, but I think the second is super cute. Neither one is worth getting upset about, but you're Alex, and you're bored.

    Imma take off the top girl, because the picture's not square and there's kind of a thematic/spiritual/relative-unironical incongruity with it and the rest, if that's alright.

    I guess Mexico had to catch up with me sooner or later.

  9. If you don't think the top one's cute, Alex, then why did you have your cursor over her picture when you took that screenshot?

