Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tom Fry Sucks Balls and so Does Aarons mom

All you cool music aesthetes can blog and discuss Pitchfork. I'm gonna talk about Harry Potter.

The New York Times has carried three articles about the book in the past two days, and I cannot eat them up fast enough. They just published a review of the book I didn't read it closely cause I don't want any possible contamination of anything, but I did glance it over and it seems to be a rather glowing review of not just the book but the entire series. THey used the word bildungsroman, those New York Timers...

Here's my theory, Harry kills Voldemort (obviously) and everyone lives happily ever after. Neville gets killed off, and Snape turns out bad. All the speculation has precluded any discussion of the simple story book ending! Why shouldn't everyone (except Neville, he's dead) live happily ever after?

I could download the book, and part of me really wanted to get it off the internet. But I'm too lazy, and I've got the book reserved at River City Bookstore. So in a little more than 48 hours, we'll find out.



  1. voldemort kills snape on page 658.

    fred weasley dies on 637.

    geez, a lot more characters die too. dobby. wormtail. a lot of other little ones. that's crazy. what a silly children's book.

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  4. How is Sirius not one of your favorite characters? HE'S GREAT.

  5. yeah, hannah, after reading book 6 again, i totally still think snape is good. there were a couple subtle signs - for instance, before harry and dumbledore went off in search of the horcrux, and harry expressed that he did not believe snape was on their side, dumbledore paused and almost said something, as if he wanted to prove that snape was good (and i think tell him that snape was going to kill him) but he chose not to, probably because harry is no good at occlumency so he wouldn't be able to hide from voldemort that he knows snape is good. oh, i stayed up until 2am finishing book 6. I CAN'T WAIT!

  6. how is tonks one of your favorite characters? she's so annoying.


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  8. i love hagrid and fang and this book could have had more of them!
