Thursday, July 19, 2007

If I suck balls, then I can't even imagine the type of shit Colin Ste ers sucks

Colin, I don't care if you're joking, which there is good chance that you aren't, because that shit is not cool. NOT. COOL. If you could see my face right now, you would not see me laughing, because I am not kidding. I have to go reserve my copy today, so I can spend the first 600 pages wondering if you are telling the truth or not. If you are, I will never forgive you. And I will take my revenge on you. Many, many times. If you aren't, I will still never forgive you, but there's a chance I might, at some point, forget, and that my thirst for revenge will, at some point in the distant future, be sated. FUCK YOU.

Also, Alex, you spelled Nymphadora wrong. Don't worry, I fixed it.


  1. I like how we've got a separate post for just how much Colin sucks right now.

  2. Know what we should do? We should decide that no one talks about HP7 until a certain day, to give everyone a chance to read it. And if someone hasn't read it by that day, that person will know not to go on the blog/brog. Give people until Tuesday? (I mean, I only get to start it on Monday, but everyone else will probs be done by Sunday. Or Monday. Sorryyyyyy.) Thoughts?

  3. From Friday at midnight to Tuesday morning when we all get to work, there can be no discussion of Harry Potter, is that a good time frame?

  4. haha i love us
    that sounds good to me

  5. i'm probably lying. some youtube message tricked me into reading it. i kinda do want to see your face right now though.

  6. colin, it's probably a testament to our friendship that i have never been this upset with you before.

  7. harry potter is tearing us apart!

    (when someone gets to the end, can they tell me if i was lying or not? i'd feel kinda bad if that was actually part of the book, but due to my info being one of hundreds of rumors posted online, i wouldn't count on it.)

  8. Colin it's not rumors though! The books been leaked! Everyone knows everything. Remember that movie 28 days later or something with the Zombies. The zombies are those tainted with HP plot knowledge. We're the last humans. We've got to keep together!

  9. Harry dies on page 7. Hermione gets an enema on page 93. Snape eats a croissant on page 921.

  10. oh, james, you jokester. there are only 784 pages! and snape HATES croissants! oh, hardy har har.
