Friday, June 08, 2007


So here's the first post relating to Lindsay Lohan. My very nice co-student worker today mentioned that Lindsay's newest movie's trailer is out. I was so excited I doodled a large L on my left hand.

Having just watched the video in Sayles, I mildly want to go see it. Besides the fact that she is so unbelievably attractive (coked out anorexia aside), it looks like a movie that's trying to be both gore porn and a movie of mistaken identity between twins (perhaps a sly reference to her debut remake of the Parent Trap? Who knew back then all the joy she'd bring us). Anyways, here it is:

I read the first 20 pages of Gravity's Rainbow. It's not bad. Pynchon loves a run-on sentence. They're long and winding and rather frenetic, but strangely poetic. I commented to Tom Fry that if you gave a college creative writing class these first 20 pages, they'd pick them apart (Greg, I'd love to see some our former classmates grapple with Pynchon: "I'm not sure I understand what's going on here" or "Maybe if I knew a little bit more about the characters"...)

Life is pretty damn nice.


  1. "I Know Who Killed Me"? That is one of the dumbest movie titles I have ever come across.

  2. If by dumb you mean thought provoking and enticing, than you are absolutely correct masha.
    Let's go see it.

  3. I talked to my parents today about the past term, and I only had to mention that I had a creative writing class with David Harrisville to get a laugh. Part of me really wishes we'd done our Intro to Creative Writing drinking game, but I also think we could probably recreate any given class with the lines you've provided.

  4. Apparently, you get hankerin's for girls with coke problems.
