Friday, June 08, 2007

It's a Multimedia Extravaganza!

How 'bout this hot pic from my parents' trip up?

I love pictures where no one looks better than anyone else.

I've been listening to 3-4 albums a day since Tuesday, which is awesome. Favorites this week:

Fujiya & Miyagi - Transparent Things Until the last track of the album, I couldn't figure out if these guys were robots, or if they were just afraid of their feelings. It turned out to be the latter ("Cylinders" manages a sincerity that the rest of the record doesn't even make a pass at). Cold calculation abounds, but this record is fun, nonetheless, and while its absurdity can feel a little studied, I can't help but love a breakdown set to the lyrics of "Dry Bones".

F&M - Collarbone

The National - Boxer I really, really like this. It's bleak for sure, but it's catchy enough that, being happy at the moment, I am in the mood to listen to it anyway. The drums carry me through nearly every song, and Matt Beringer's voice is one of my favorite sounds right now.

The National - Brainy

The National - Apartment Story

Of Montreal - Hissing Fauna...This is a dark, dark record. I can't connect with it personally, but I can listen to it and say to myself, "Fuck. This guy is in a bad way." "The Past is a Grotesque Animal" is the fastest 10-minute song I've ever heard. I'd put up "Cato as a Pun", but I can't find a link.

The Microphones - The Glow, Pt. 2 Another sad/great record. Don't have a full report on this one yet, but I'm hooked.

My Bloody Valentine - Loveless I've loved this album for a long time, and i've listened to it twice this week. I'll probably listen to it again today. So hot. So, so hot.

I just bought a sweet photo print at the senior art sale that's going on today. I'll scan it in during work and put it up.

Here it is:
I ran into a guy in the library that looks like Paul Simon. Also, there is not nearly enough activity on this blog. It's summer bros, come on, I know you have the time. Colin, you have not posted yet. Everyone else, post again. I wanna read your stuff.


  1. what is this, ain't no picasso?

  2. oh, burn.
    i like this post though.

  3. I blog about what I do. What do you do all day, Hannah, insult people?

  4. And ain't no picasso? PLEASE. SOME of us read Moistworks.

  5. i'm sorry! i was going to come back later and take it back but then the internet broke.
    i sure learned my lesson about being mean.

    you probably will not ever read this. oh well!
