Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Interactive Fort Collins photo tour, pt. 1

Well, I've been home for 24 hours, and it feels distinctly un-weird. It's a hundred degrees out at peak hours, and yet I sweat minimally; My mom bought me a shirt today; and my house is air conditioned, and has wireless. Bam. I was a lot more uncomfortable the last time I was home. The conflict between my Carleton home and my home home was much more apparent before. At this point, I've accepted the fact that home home will always be a home to me, even if I have other, homier homes elsewhere. That said, I would have hated to spend the entire summer here.

Steve and I went for a drive last night, and we're still on the same wavelength. We continue to get a kick out of talking about the goings on with the Old Guard, some of whom, I now recognize, are huge tools (note: they're still great, or at least still my friends).

Anyway, this is my house:

Here's the backyard (it was a weed patch until a year ago. My parents waited until I left to make it hospitable). Thats my mom, reading or something, and my dog, Gracie (more on her later).
Here's the kitchen. It's glorious. One of my favorite rooms in the house. There's my dad. He used to make me french toast for breakfast while I sat at the table [pictured, left] and watched Recess. Or the Busy World of Richard Scary. My brother loved that show. Oh yeah, my brother has a girlfriend now (his first). I just met her; she's cute and small, like him. He hasn't kissed her yet, though. Props, J, but you gotta hit that.
This is the basement where my friends and I got caught drinking when we were seventeen. Or maybe some of us were sixteen. Either way, it was bogus. Great basement, though.
These next two are of the time-warp that is my room. The walls have not changed since I was sixteen. Hendrix poster: check. Shitty hubcap I found on the side of the road: check. Badass black knight standing on a heap of skulls: check.
I pulled that busty Miller Lite babe from the pages of the 2002 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. God, I was cool (note the SIGNED Dashboard poster. Fuck yeah).My mom is, as we speak, giving me a foot massage, which, I mean, who gives foot massages? I'm waiting at least five years before my next visit. Maybe she'll buy me a car, or something.

That's all for now, I think, though I'm not sure what I'll do now. Life without work is a little slow, especially at home. Oh, never mind, it's time to eat.


  1. tom, i didn't want to dedicate an entire post about this, so i feel like this as good a place as any to mention it. i tried to simpsonize the entire house today ( and you came out as a hot girl. you were the first one, so i gave up out of concern about all of our potential fates.

  2. probably for the best. your discretion is admirable.

    anne and i have doubts about the one with the baseball sleeves.

  4. Tom...your home seems very nice. Signed Dashboard poster? Very nice.
    Hub cap? Awesome.
    I think i would have liked you in highschool.

  5. i dig i dig
    i was hanging out with this kid from colorado springs last night, when i mentioned that i had a friend from "FoCo" he was very impressed

  6. The Miller Lite babe!? Edgy Tom Fry. I was always too embarrassed of my mom (and a little too cynical) to have girls on the walls. Though she looks totally bone-able from the little picture. I applaud both your taste in beer and your taste in women, Tom Fry.

  7. why all the neon green post-its?

  8. oh yes! i'm so excited that jackson has a gf. does she have thefacebook so that i (and maybe everyone else) can friend her?
    that's a lovely house and i like your kitchen and your posters. and tell us more about your dog, please.

  9. p.s. will someone finally put a photo of charlize theron (sp?) in the little pictures of cute celebrities zone?

  10. charlize theron is more hot than cute, imo.

  11. also what does the fact that we have quote unquote cute celebrities say about the nature of our brohood

  12. Those pictures are less cute than just really hot. But point taken Dan.
