Monday, June 22, 2009

Bros Watch Forever: Battlestar Galactica

Welcome, bros, to the inaugural post of Bros Watch Forever, the TV club to end all TV clubs. Given that Greg, Dan, Aaron, and Lindsey are the only people I've talked with about this, there may or may not be some consternation among sci-fi (or TV club) skeptics about our first show, but hear these words: Battlestar Galactica will rock your fucking face off. It is that good.

Before we get there, though, let's go over the BWaF format: this Friday, I will write a post upon the equivalent of five episodes of BSG (the 2.5-hour pilot and first three episodes of the first season). The following week, someone else will post on the next five, and so on, until, sometime in September, we finish the series out.

Here are links for downloading the pilot (parts 1 and 2):

And the first three eps:

Netflixers, I'm sure this is all on instant watch.

I haven't seen past S1E5, so this will be new for me, too. Comment if you'd like to post. Also comment on how you'd like the format to change . Keep in mind that we want as many people participating as possible--marathon TV-watchers, no complaints about the light episode load, please. That's all for now. More on Friday. Try to catch up before then!


  1. The pilot, and probably other stuff, can be viewed on megavideo too. Save some room on your hard drive already!!!

  2. yeah, there should be a link to "view on megavideo" for all of these. just click the link. i recommend using my links for the pilot, because it's not on surfthechannel

  3. THANK YOU. I've been wanting to watch this show SO BADLY but have been too lazy to sign up for netflix. YES YES YES
