Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Overheard in Charlottesville


As I walked back to the lab from lunch today I overheard two really depressing conversations. Both occurred within the same 2 block span in designated smoking areas outside of the hospital. Both people speaking were older ladies. And both were weathered looking, low level hospital employees. The conversations are transcribed as best as I can remember, meaning nearly verbatim.

Conversation one:

"So then after my husband got laid off and tried to kill himself I decided that I should try to kill myself. After I got out of the hospital we were both put on anti-depressants and it's really strengthened our relationship."

Conversation two:

"That's the problem with marrying an alcoholic: they're either hittin' you 'cause they're drunk, or they're hittin' you 'cause you're tryin' to stop 'em from gettin' drunk."

Summer oh eight boys.

Oh, and here's the video we watched in the backyard the other day. Dan asked me to post it so here it is:


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