Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Xmas Week Movie Watching

No Country for Old Men: A
Juno: B
Charlie Wilson's War: B


  1. Xmas Week Movie Watching:

    No Country For Old Men: A
    Juno: A-
    Sweeney Todd: B+

    I eagerly await There Will Be Blood



  2. Xmas Week Movie Watching:

    Juno: A-
    I Am Legend: B
    Charlie Wilson's War: B
    Walk Hard: B+
    No Country for Old Men: OVERRATED, YOU TOOLS (no musical score? really? come ON NOW.)

    j/k? i gotta go powerwalk with my mom.

  3. walk hard was good!!?!?!?

    also, i'm glad we agree about juno's pretty awesome status.

    and if you were serious about no country for old men being overrated... i dislike you as a person.

  4. you haven't even seen no country for old men. the only reason you know there's no music is because alex told you.

    No Country: A
    S. Todd: B+
    Legend: B

  5. i don't even want to see it!
    and the only reason everybody DID was because it's a coen brothers film. i'm allowed to hate things that are over-hyped.

    (and i knew it had no music because of the new yorker's review.)

  6. in order to hate something that you feel is overhyped is to actually see it and think that it doesn't live up to what you've heard about it. so you can't hate this film... because you haven't seen it. you have no idea if it's over-hyped. i think it more than lives up to the hype of it that i've heard!

  7. Remember when you gave Alex shit for disliking the overhyped Wes Anderson? I do.

  8. anne, you beat me to the punch. good call.

    leah, you read about the new Cohen Brothers' film in the New Yorker!? gawd, and i thought i was smart.

    Juno gets an A- from me. Maybe a B+. whatever, it was worth seeing.

  9. maybe it was entertainment weekly.
    or yahoo! news' movie reviews. WHICH, by the way, is my family's home page.

    i'm seeing the orphanage today. ooOOOOooo

  10. You may have read that there was no score SOMEWHERE, but you definitely heard it first and the most often from Alex.

  11. i didn't even notice that there wasn't a score. as i walked out of the theater, my brother was like "wasn't it cool how there wasn't even music or something?" and i was all like "whaaaaaaa!?"

  12. No Country For Old Men: A. Some people saw this because they like Cormac McCarthy, too.
    Walk Hard: B-
    Juno: C. This was some glib bullshit.

  13. i can see you disliking juno. you're a bully.

  14. i like when colin posts.
    i finally saw no country for old men today, i was going to text you all as i sat in the theater but i don't understand how to work this cell phone and failed. why doesn't it save to draft when i close the phone?

    the movie was... fine. i was engaged by the suspense and the gore and the two hours passed quickly. i guess i wouldn't say that i liked it, but will concede that it was well made. except for all the plot holes and unneccessary characters (what the fuck was woody harrelson's purpose? and who was that old man in the wheelchair? where'd the cocaine go? how did those mexicans know about everything? who was sugar working for? why didn't it just end with the car crash?).

    anyway whatever get offa my back now, i paid my $5 and can judge like anybody else. see you all SOON, really everyone just fly in tomorrow and come to the mall with tom and my mother and me.

  15. $5? holy crap, that's cheap. was that a matinee? my local theater is now $9 with student discount.

    juno is too harmless to criticize, but good sat fetch, greg, glib really is the right word. "i would like to procure a hasty abortion," what the hell? throw this movie in the litle miss sunshine/garden state pile of emo films and let it be, for better or worse.

  16. Wes Andersen Blows. Go see the Savages.

    I'll go see There Will Be Blood with you Colin
