Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sweet Lou's: Greg's Review

The success of Sweet Lou's will depend in equal parts on its ability to accomodate drunken college students Saturday at 1 AM and the ability of these students' stomachs to accomodate Sweet Lou's waffles. I had a waffle with caramel, and the first two or three bites were delicious. If I had stopped before eating the second half, I would've even left the restaurant feeling good. But the food is so rich I felt overwhelmed by the time I finished and overstuffed thereafter. Here's what I predict:
- From now on, I'll go to Sweet Lou's approximately once a term
- I'll enjoy the beginning of my waffle immensely and loathe both it and myself once before I've eaten all of it
- I will want to avoid Sweet Lou's for the following 1-2 months before forgetting how gross I felt. Once this passes, I will not only be willing to visit again but will be actually eager to
- This cycle will repeat itself until (1) Sweet Lou's closes, (2) I graduate, or (3) PEAK OIL. We're FUCKED.

On another note: I liked "All My Friends", "Paper Planes" and stuff off Weirdo Rippers as much as the next person, that is to say, a lot. But as far as songs of 2007 that haven't been blogged about ad nauseum go, this might be my favorite. Everything I want in a hard rock song:

[EDIT: I guess you have to copy and paste the link]


Yeah dude!


  1. i saw that trailer before I Am Legend (which is pretty okay), and made a fool of myself cheering. "All My Friends" is definitely my favorite track of the year, but i appreciate your sentiment, greg, as well as that kickass song. the first line of your review was nigh-all-encompassing, as usual.

  2. is it weird that i was kind of wasted when i wrote my most tight-assed blog comment ever [see above]?

  3. Nigh-tight-assed Tom, nigh-tight-assed

  4. (I actually thought what you said was really nice)
